I had long avoided studying the concept of free will until I
read a book called Conversations on Consciousness: What the Best Minds Think
about the Brain, Free Will, and What It Means to Be Human by Susan Blackmore.
In this book, Blackmore asked many of the best thinkers of the new science of
mind if they believed in free will and consciousness. I was surprised that for
the most part this set of thinkers explained away both free will and
consciousness as illusions. What?
Rene Descartes said, "I think, therefore, I
am." This statement was the
axiomatic starting point upon which Descartes wanted to rethink all of philosophy.
But according to Blackmore's collection of great minds, even Descartes' philosophical
axiom is false. What?
Finally the issue of free will has become interesting to me.
(I will address consciousness in a separate post.)
My childhood training on this subject included the Book of
Mormon verse that God "created all things, both the heavens and the earth,
and all things that in them are,"both things to act and things to be acted
upon" (2 Nephi 2:14).
So my bias is toward a belief in free will. But a
belief in free will is so natural and pervasive that even Descartes considered
it to be the unassailable bedrock of his philosophy. Everybody naturally believes
in free will.
The strongest argument against free will is called determinism which basically says that all effects have causes, and all behaviors and choices are caused by events outside the control of individuals. For example a person cannot choose not to yawn, sneeze, or have a bowel
movement, etc. (I admit that I am oversimplifying here.) The problem with denying that free will exists, as is so commonly done in the scientific community, is that it follows that no one can be held responsible for his or her actions since they have no free will.
So I believe in free will for practical reasons, first of
In recent years the scientific vogue has been toward a reductionist
emphasis that causes come from the bottom (subatomic particles) and work their
way up through atoms, molecules, cells, organisms, and eventually to human
beings who are controlled by the underlying forces.
I am going to be short and unscientific here: I believe that
some forces come from below but I also believe that the emergent consciousness
of human beings can, within many constraints, make choices that have effects
that work their way back down the chain. So there is both upward causation and
downward causation.
There is much here that judicial systems need to ponder but
as far as I'm concerned, people have the power and agency to make choices. And
the consequences of those choices have very real effects in the undetermined
So this boring topic of free will is important
because the denial of free will leads to a denial of responsibility, and the belief in
a deterministic universe may lead to feelings of helplessness and the futility of trying to build a better world.
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